Interested in booking
The Six Million Dollar Kid
for your event? Drop us a note in the contact form below or send an email to and please indicate in your message if your inquiry is for a festival, conference or school event.
The Six Million Dollar Kid is affiliated with Will Not Rest,
founded by Bobby Aazami, which uses theatrical storytelling and social justice as a vital process to empower families against child sexual abuse and to advocate for survivors of sexual assault.
What People Are Saying
"I was left feeling empowered and hopeful. As a man, in particular of Iranian decent, to be speaking out is powerful beyond the scope of my review but I would say it marked my calendar as a day some light was shone into a very dark corner of our human story."
"The most beautiful aspect of The Six Million Dollar Kid is that it has opened the magical powers of healing through
introspection and the supernatural powers of the creative arts."
"It is a truly selfless and powerful performance that brings about the realisation that this story will continue to be repeated unless we listen, learn and change our behaviours."